I’m Letting GO

whatever isn’t serving me, must go

By Ashton Ryan

Maybe there’s something in the air these days but I am in a major clean out mode; this week I have gotten rid of so many unnecessary things, more than ever perhaps.

I am narrowing my interests down, trying to focus on what I love, what I have started and what I actually want to continue doing with my time and brain. I deleted my entire clothing business store website and decided I am only making things for my friends and family and myself (probably mostly me) for now. That was a HUGE deal for me as I spent so much brain energy on it all. Every single art show and art market was better than the last SO that was hard to step away from too.

Ever since I started to look at my artsy endeavors from a monetary business plan mind set, the love for creating has waned and it has started to feel like work, go figure. So here I am, letting go of some things in order to sustain my creative energy. As I cut this little tiny baby passion project off, For Now, I also give myself SO MUCH ROOM for creating what I want to create.

I am following the same path as always, if you know me, you know I get distracted EASILY but almost always can find myself, I mean my way back. Here I Go!

I hope I inspire you to explore what you are holding onto that may be taking up space that you need to use for Next Level aspirations and Let Go of It. Sometimes the hardest part of letting go is really knowing what to let go of, I feel that you must be pretty specific with your intentions in order to see results, but maybe that’s just me.

You know You. Ask You what is holding You back ??

“Everything’s in the mind. That’s where it all starts. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it.” - Mae West


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