2025 Affirmations
2025 Affirmations I have received and claimed.
I hope they bless you as well.
I am valuable and worthy just by being alive. There is nothing I need to do to prove my worth. There is nothing I need to effort harder towards to feel better. I am enough by sheer existence and I am fated to align with my passions and purpose.
I am wealthy and abundant in all things I love, nurture, grow and share. I love giving and receiving and see things coming and going in my life like the continuous waves that ebb and flow to fill the vast and majestic oceans.
I am powerful, strong and clear. I honor my body and mind as vessels of The Spirit and release the demands, stagnation and urgency of the ego. I am manifesting what I focus on and believe to be my truths. I set my mind on things that bless myself and others. My intentions are pure and good. I trust my Highest Self to always show me my next steps and guide me onto elevated paths.
I am intentional, embrace all parts of myself and welcome awareness above emotion. There are no sides of me that need to be hidden or suppressed.
All come to teach and help me heal, grow and expand. I fear no evil, for all can be alchemized within my mind’s eye for the greatest good of all projected in my life and world. I possess the good I seek. I contain the love I wish to find, feel and express. I am fulfilled by the true knowing that life is a journey that never ends, it only expands.
~Sea Hope